坎农铜矿Copper Canyon(1950)

主演:雷·米兰德 Ray Milland/海迪·拉玛 Hedy Lamarr/麦克唐纳·凯瑞 Macdonald Carey

导演:约翰·法罗 / 编剧:Richard English/Jonathan Latimer



坎农铜矿主演:雷·米兰德 Ray Milland/海迪·拉玛 Hedy Lamarr/麦克唐纳·凯瑞 Macdonald Carey, 退伍老兵组成的矿工团队在墨西哥北部过着艰难的生活,而矿主总是给他们增加越来越多的劳动量,工资从来没有提升,矿工们打算群起攻之,找来传说中的神枪手德斯蒙德陆军上校,想借着上校的威风向矿主表达各自心声,然而他们找错了人,约翰卡特被误认为上校而得到众人追捧,在追星搬的吹捧下约翰来到矿主门前,然而他该退缩还是前进,难以抉择。
A group of copper miners, Southern veterans, are terrorized by local rebel-haters, led by deputy Lane Travis. The miners ask stage sharpshooter Johnny Carter to help them, under the impression that he is the legendary Colonel Desmond. It seems they're wrong; but Johnny's show comes to Coppertown and Johnny romances lovely gambler Lisa Roselle, whom the miners believe is at the center of their troubles.


日期 资源名称
2019-12-11 copper.canyon.1950.1080p.mkv
2019-05-11 Copper Canyon (1950)
2019-05-11 Copper.Canyon.1950.DVDRip.Duke
