猫与人鱼鼠The Cat and the Mermouse(1949)



导演:约瑟夫·巴伯拉 / 威廉·汉纳 / 编剧:约瑟夫·巴伯拉 Joseph Barbera/威廉·汉纳 William Hanna



炎炎夏日,汤姆正坐在海边沙滩之上,他从容不迫地在身上涂上防晒霜和护肤霜,然后挖了一个沙坑躺了进去,又用毛巾盖住头部小作休息。这时候,快乐的小老鼠杰瑞扛着鱼竿从远处走来,他根本没注意沙子下面还躺着汤姆,于是自顾自走了上去,没留神还掉进汤姆嘴里,以致毛巾差点把汤姆噎死。   生气的老猫发现杰瑞惊扰了自己的小憩,于是跟上前去捣乱。两个冤家又是一通你来我往的争斗,最终汤姆被狠狠地砸中脑袋,掉入大海。不会游泳的汤姆奋力挣扎,可是依旧沉到了海底,他忽然发现自己可以在海底呼吸,而且见到了一个和杰瑞一模一样的小美人鱼……
A day at the beach. Tom wants to lay in the sand, but his rest is disturbed by Jerry, who walks by to go fishing. Tom ends up falling off the end of the pier as he chases Jerry and lands underwater, where he encounters a mermaid whose top half looks just like Jerry. A chase, naturally, follows, all underwater. The mermouse, however, runs into a swordfish, and it begins chasing Tom, too, turning into mer-Jerry's ally, until it gets stuck in what looks like a telephone pole. The chase is next interrupted by an octopus, which grabs hold of Tom until Jerry yanks him free when we discover this is all a fever dream of Tom's, and Jerry has actually been performing artificial resuscitation.


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