节哀顺变 第一季Sorry for Your Loss(2018)

主演:伊丽莎白·奥尔森 凯莉·玛丽·陈 约翰·艾德坡 马莫多·阿西 珍妮·麦克蒂尔 扎克·罗比达斯 艾莎·阿尔法 唐·麦克马纳斯 普娜·贾甘纳坦 亚历山大·柯克 

导演:詹姆斯·庞索特 / 编剧:德斯塔·特德罗斯·赖弗 Desta Tedros Reff


《节哀顺变 第一季》(2018)原名《Sorry for Your Loss》字幕下载

Half hour drama that stars Elizabeth Olsen as Leigh Shaw, a young widow struggling to put her life back together in the wake of her husband's unexpected death. The show is simultaneously devastating and uplifting, with grounded, flawed characters desperate to find humor anywhere they can. The series dives into grief as an unavoidable, universal, transformative part of life. Leigh's journey will teach us that grief is not something merely to endure, medicate away or "muscle through," but an essential part of the human experience.

节哀顺变 第一季:最新字幕下载资源

日期 资源名称
2023-08-22 绯红女巫旺达·姜戈·马克西莫夫:节哀顺变(第1季全10集NOWE官方字幕)Sorry.For.You
