全面攻击Tempo di uccidere(1989)

又名:Time to Kill / 杀戮时刻


主演:Nicolas Cage Ricky Tognazzi Patrice-Flora Praxo Gianluca Favilla Georges Claisse Robert Liensol 

导演:吉奥里亚诺·蒙塔尔多 / 编剧:吉奥里亚诺·蒙塔尔多 Giuliano Montaldo/恩尼奥·弗拉雅诺 Ennio Flaiano


《全面攻击》(1989)原名《Tempo di uccidere》字幕下载 / 又名《Time to Kill / 杀戮时刻》中文字幕下载

1936, Italian army is invading Ethiopia. Lieutenant Silvestri suffering toothache decides to reach the nearest camp hospital. But the lorry has an accident and stop near a rock, so Silvestri continues by walk. On his way he meets and rapes a wonderful young Ethiopian. He also wound her when he shot to a wild animal, and later kills her to avoid further pain. When he finally reaches the hospital, he realizes he gets probably leprosy. Trying to escape from Ethiopia Silvestri will kill again. But surprises aren't still over.


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