有顶天酒店THE 有頂天ホテル(2006)

又名:狂欢酒店 / 有顶天大饭店 / THE有顶天酒店 / Suite Dreams / The Wow-Choten Hotel


主演:役所广司 松隆子 佐藤浩市 香取慎吾 筱原凉子 户田惠子 生濑胜久 麻生久美子 唐泽寿明 江原由希子 小田切让 角野卓造 津川雅彦 西田敏行 伊东四朗 堀内敬子 石井正则 不破万作 相岛一之 饭田基祐 田中直树 原田美枝子 近藤芳正 寺岛进 

导演:三谷幸喜 / 编剧:三谷幸喜


《有顶天酒店》(2006)原名《THE 有頂天ホテル》字幕下载 / 又名《狂欢酒店 / 有顶天大饭店 / THE有顶天酒店 / Suite Dreams / The Wow-Choten Hotel》中文字幕下载

New Year's Eve at a posh hotel and all should be shipshape. It is not. There is the traditional party, an official ceremony, entertainment and a special dinner planned and yet there is trouble everywhere. An Animal is on the loose, a politician to protect, a prostitute to handle, a bellhop to focus and a few things more.


日期 资源名称
2022-08-21 [有顶天酒店].Suite.Dreams.2006.JAPANESE.1080p.WEBRip.x2
2021-05-26 Suite Dreams.2006 (有頂天大酒店) 繁中字幕
2019-05-12 有顶天酒店
