Ariel follows the tumultuous siblings Davie and Diana Vega as they return to Argentina, country of their birth and learn to dance tango. They uncover secrets about their family history that call into question everything they hold to be true, but that free Davie from his existential misery. A story of how the past holds us in its embrace - only by engaging with it can we find fr...$波士顿的拉美电影节放映环境堪忧,感觉就像是居委会组织的电影展映。成片上巧合生硬、情节老套,舞蹈编排尚可,观赏性较低。其实内涵上是个历史问题直接相关的,奈何文化语境不同,难以理解。$公益性质的电影,才知道原来福特在阿根廷大迫害时期做了这么多恶,美国在拉美真是没干啥好事$太戏剧化了,不过也符合tango的调调$海航飞机上看的,讲的南美的一个历史问题,中国人看没什么感觉$在飞机上看完了?想知道为啥这么狗血,但又狗血的这么平淡