The Dog Days of Christmas(2021)

又名:Sit. Stay. Love.

上映日期:2021-11-07(TV premiere)

主演:乔治亚·福纳德 / Ezekiel Simat / 安东尼·费伦 / 

导演:托莉·加勒特 / 


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酷云影视为您提供2021年由乔治亚·福纳德 Ezekiel Simat 安东尼·费伦 主演,托莉·加勒特导演的《The Dog Days of Christmas》/又名《Sit. Stay. Love.》电影在线观看,《The Dog Days of Christmas》百度云网盘资源以及《The Dog Days of Christmas》高清mp4迅雷下载,《The Dog Days of Christmas》BT下载,希望您能喜欢!

After finishing a mission, aid worker Annie Blake is going home to Vermont to spend the holidays with her family. When the local animal shelter closes, Annie steps in to save it with the help of the local vet and old school nemesis, Dylan.
Plot Summary:After finishing a mission, aid worker Annie Blake is going home to Vermont to spend the holidays with her family. When the local animal shelter closes, Annie steps in to save it with the help of the local vet and old school nemesis, Dylan.
