
看见 第一季:S1EP8

I have though about this for a long white now. Every child even tually comes to a bridge that they must cross alone. The day you were born, I stood on a wall fighting to protect you, and I have done it every day since. That's what a father does to protect his children. But a father must also know when it is time to let his children go so that they might find their own path.

You and I live in a different world than him. We will never really understand each other.

I am as blind as anyone, but I see you both, I will never stop seeing you. The day has come. I love you,boy.

看见 第一季See(2019)

又名:重見光明(港) / 末日光明(台)

主演:杰森·莫玛 阿尔法·伍达德 西尔维娅·侯克斯 内斯塔·库珀 克里斯蒂安·卡玛戈 海拉·西尔玛 克里斯蒂安·斯隆 肯内特·米歇尔 莎琳·费迪南德 劳伦·格莱齐尔 约书亚·亨利 阿德里安·霍夫 路易丝·巴恩斯 杰姬·布莱克莫 乔丹娜·布莱克 梅根·查彭提尔 希瑟·艾希礼·蔡斯 米莉·戴维斯 达马里斯·刘易斯 多米尼克·马里彻 贾登·诺埃尔 艾里斯·佩卢莉 卢克·罗德里克 Yadira Guevara-Prip Archie Madekwe Marilee Talkington Mojean Aria Bree Klauser Camillia Mahal 

导演:弗朗西斯·劳伦斯 / 编剧:斯蒂文·奈特 Steven Knight/Hadi Nicholas Deeb/乔纳森·E·施泰因贝格 Jonathan E. Steinberg/秀·休 Soo Hugh/罗伯特·勒温 Robert Levine/丹·肖茨 Dan Shotz/乔纳森· 崔普尔 Jonathan Tropper

看见 第一季的影评

蔺虢 • S1EP8